Tuesday, November 16, 2010


4 eggs (2 eggs + 2 egg whites)
1/4 cup milk
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp paprika
1/8 tsp pepper (freshly ground)
1 oz monterey jack cheese with jalapeno peppers (diced)
1/2 onion (diced)
cooking spray or a dab of butter
optional: fresh salsa or ketchup

Turn on stove to low-medium to medium heat. Dab butter on nonskillet pan or use cooking spray and put on stove. Add onions, make sure to stir it occasionally and saute till it's clear and starting to brown. While the onions are cooking, add eggs, milk, salt, pepper to a mixing bowl. Use a fork and whisk them till they are well scrambled. Once the onions are ready and the egg mixture to the pan and let it cover the whole bottom of the pan. Add the diced cheese and sprinkle the paprika on top of the omelet. Let it cook till the bottom is cooked well enough for your spatula to turn over the omelet onto the other half. I recommend a big spatula for doing this. Give it a minute or 2 and then turn it again and let it cook for another minute or so... I like to cook mine well so the egg is well cooked in the middle... Once done, you can serve this with fresh salsa or ketchup.

© 2010 (Erika) Cooking Divas

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